An exploration of hashicorp vault

Posted by: Savvas Savvides on

Categories: secrets management, secrets sprawling


HashiCorp Vault is a secrets-management tool that is well suited to automating the creation, distribution, and destruction of secrets. Vault supports programmatic access to secrets, ephemeral secret generation, automated key rotation, SSO integration, MFA integration, and other features.

The primary goal of Vault is to solve the secrets sprawling problem: storing secrets in multiple different places. Vault solves the secrets sprawling problem by centralizing secrets management and storing secrets in a single location. Secrets are stored encrypted (data at rest) and when is sent to/from clients (data in transit). Vault uses access control (ACL) to manage who can access secrets and keeps an audit trail to provide visibility on who/when a secret has been accessed.

In addition, Vault offers dynamic secret capabilities by providing applications ephemeral credentials to bound the time credentials are valid. Dynamic secrets are unique to a server, which makes the effects of credential compromises smaller, and makes credential revocation easier, since the effect of rotating a key only affects a specific server.

Lastly, Vault exposes high level APIs to perform cryptographic operations in situ, instead of providing the key material to applications and having the applications implement their own crypto and key management.